Monday, May 13, 2013

Green Smoothie Challenge: Day 26-30

Day 26-30

1 small container ground or unground cinnamon
4 cups spinach
1½ cup strawberry - fresh or frozen
2 cup pineapple - fresh or frozen
1 orange
4 romaine lettuce leaves
2 ribs celery
2 apple
1 cup mango - fresh or frozen
2 cup greens of choice
1 cup blueberries - fresh or frozen
½ cucumber
⅛ tsp cayenne pepper
4 leaves kale
2 bananas
5 cups raw, organic unpasteurized coconut water
Day 26

2 banana
4 leaves kale
½ cucumber
1/2 tsp cinnamon
⅛ -1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
1 cup coconut or regular water

Cinnamon has the power to help lower LDL cholesterol, which is known as the “bad” cholesterol

Cinnamon can help to control blood sugar levels by decreasing insulin resistance.

Day 27

1 cups blueberries - frozen or fresh
1 cup pineapple - frozen or fresh
2 cups greens of choice
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 cup coconut water or regular water

Cinnamon has anti-clotting effects on the blood, which is very important for overall cardiovascular health

Cinnamon is an anti-inflammatory, and has even been shown to help reduce arthritis pain with only ½ tsp ingested daily

Day 28

1 cup mango
1 cup strawberry
2 cups spinach
½ tsp cinnamon
1 cup coconut or regular water

Cinnamon has been used to help treat and cure yeast infections, even those that were resistant to other medication

Cinnamon has been studied by the U.S Department of Agriculture In Maine for its ability to stop the proliferation of leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells.

Day 29

2 apple
2 ribs celery
4 leaves romaine lettuce
½ tsp cinnamon
1 cup coconut or regular water

Cinnamon has anti-fungal properties, which may help to fight off candida overgrowth.

Cinnamon can prevent bacterial growth when it is added to foods.

Day 30

1 Orange
1 cup pineapple - fresh or frozen
½ cup strawberries - fresh or frozen
2 cups spinach
½ tsp cinnamon
1 cup coconut or regular water

Cinnamon can help to boost memory and overall cognitive function - even just smelling it will give your brain a boost!

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